Monday, 27 February 2023 14:50

Use national feed co-ordination service

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Farmers needing stock feed or wanting to supply or donate feed are being urged to use the National Feed Co-ordination Service.

Federated Farmers says offers of feed continue to pour in, but some depots are becoming overrun in places with goods being dropped off.

Federated Farmers Tararua President Sally Dryland says the co-ordination service activated by the Ministry for Primary Industries and operated by Federated Farmers is the most efficient way of keeping track of everything.

She says if farm internet is still down, or farmers have questions, they can ring their local Feds president.

"We want it to go to those most in need in the most direct manner possible,” says Dryland.

“Apart from anything that keeps transport costs and emissions to a minimum.

"Tararua-wise, I’m humbled by the number of local farmers who have signalled a desire to donate hay and silage. We appreciate the local truckies offering to help with free transport too," she says.

The Tararua Rural Support Trust has nearly finished visiting all the affected farmers in that region and will now work with Feds to distribute feed.

Some of this may be required in a month or two when grass on flood-damaged pasture, or farmers' own feed stores, has been eaten.

In areas such as Gisborne, where there is such widespread pasture damage, there is a likelihood that capital stock may need to go off grazing over winter.

Acting Gisborne president Charlie Reynolds is also thankful for all the offers of support coming their way.

"It’s a massive effort understanding the logistics of moving stock and feed around when we have so many roads impacted," Reynolds says.

"The feed co-ordination service will help us marry up feed with need."

To access the Feed Co-ordination Service go to and click the 'Feed Co-ordination' button.


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