Felton Road produces two distinctly different single vineyard Pinot Noirs from two relatively close Bannockburn vineyards, both farmed biodynamically. Ziyu Li, from Lincoln University’s Department of Wine, Food and Molecular Biosciences, has been exploring the distinctive sensory profiles of these wines, along with their chemical differences, by considering the individual sites, rootstocks, soils and rhizosphere microbes. In this Q&A, Ziyu takes us from land to lab to explain her work.
Published in Industry
Food and fibre export revenue is tipped to reach $54.6 billion this year and hit a record $66.6b in 2028 as the Government focuses on getting better access to markets and cutting red tape.
Published in General News
Dairy prices have risen for five consecutive Global Dairy Trade (GDT) auctions, which augurs well for this season’s milk price.
Published in General News
The dairy industry is much improved compared with what it was 18 months ago, according to accountant Pita Alexander.
Published in General News
Some smart planning by NZ’s onion growers has enabled them to quickly cash in on the Free Trade Agreement between New Zealand and the European Union which came into effect on May 1.
Published in Agribusiness
OPINION: Is the gloss coming off China’s status as the number one export market for New Zealand primary exports?
Published in Opinion
Troubled Canterbury milk processor, Synlait has delivered more bad news to its shareholders.
Published in General News
Fonterra says milk supply and demand remains finely balanced as it starts with a cautious opening forecast milk price for the new season.
Published in General News
Listed milk processor Synlait has announced an opening forecast base milk price of $8/kgMS for the new season.
Published in Agribusiness
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