More bad news

OPINION: Several days after securing shareholder approval for a $130 million loan from Bright Dairy, Synlait has delivered more bad news to investors.

Code Red for National?

OPINION: Recently several Labour MPs, including leader Chris Hipkins and deputy leader Carmel Sepuloni spent two days in Waikato with representatives of DairyNZ, Beef+Lamb NZ, Federated Farmers, Groundswell and Rural Women NZ among others.

OCR pressure

OPINION: While Reserve Bank boss Adrian Orr is sticking to his 'abundance of caution' messaging, the economy is in tatters and the jungle drums beat ever louder for an OCR cut no later than November (to be clear, that's Nov 2024, not 2025!).

Is National Fieldays' format still relevant for businesses?

OPINION: With the 2024 edition of National Fieldays behind us, it would be fair to say that although the mood was positive – a plus, given the negative sentiment across the rural sector – you must wonder if this showcase format’s days are numbered.

Glyphosate is most commonly marketed as Round Up.

OPINION: Growers and orchardists will be breathing easy following last week’s Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) ruling that there are no grounds to review the approval for the use of glyphosate.


OPINION: In 2021 a group of prominent academics got ’cancelled’ for daring to oppose changes to the school curriculum that put all mātauranga Māori (Māori knowledge), which can incorporate spiritual elements, on par with empirical science.

Under pressure

OPINION: On top of the rural banking inquiry, several as-yet-unnamed banks are facing a complaint to the Financial Markets Authority over their role in a government bond sale.

Time for change

OPINION: Fed up with the appalling decision making over successive governents that has left us with third-world infrastructure? You're not alone.

'Science' spend

OPINION: The Marsden Fund used to be reserved for top-tier research funding but now stands accused of burning public funds on PC identity politics crap.

OPINION: New data out last month shows why farmers want the broken Resource Management System fixed, quickly.

OPINION: A 100-year-old sample of milk powder from Ernest Shackletons’ first solo expedition to Antarctica has been analysed by scientists.

OPINION: Sticking with the NZ Primary Industries Summit, Fonterra chief executive Miles Hurrell’s quip about the milk price has been doing the rounds on Twitter.

OPINION: Rabobank NZ chief executive Todd Charteris delivered a frank message to the NZ Primary Industries Summit in Wellington last week- this is no time for NZ ag to take the foot off the pedal when it comes to tackling ag emissions.

OPINION: Did the Coalition Government miss a beat when picking a new panel to advise on the methane emissions target? Some farmers think so.

OPINION: Your old mate had a wee crack at Fieldays recently for the perception it was more focused on quantity through the turnstiles than quality - a bugbear of some exhibitors over recent years.

OPINION: Real estate agent Janet Dickson's court case, following her refusal to complete a compulsory Māori culture course, is being watched with interest by HR folk across all industries and sectors.

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The Hound


OPINION: In 2021 a group of prominent academics got ’cancelled’ for daring to oppose changes to the school curriculum that…

Under pressure

OPINION: On top of the rural banking inquiry, several as-yet-unnamed banks are facing a complaint to the Financial Markets Authority…

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