Paul Drew, SealesWinslow.

Dairy farmers have the perfect tool at their disposal this calving season to set their herds up for future productivity – the rumen in their replacement heifer calves.

The Co-operative Difference framework was introduced to ensure on-farm practices support the delivery of the co-op’s strategy.

"I'm not what you would consider a Formula One farmer, but I must be doing something right,” says Fonterra farmer Francis Smits, who is quick to point out that he and his wife Regina have a simple set up on their Reporoa farm.

Waikato dairy farmer Cole Townsend (middle) lifts performance of calves and cows, improving health and production.

In 2018, faced with a Salmonella outbreak among his calves and the effects of the subsequent vaccination, Waikato dairy farmer Cole Townsend turned to social media for a solution.

The first cow Pat and Shelley Schnuriger bought together was Fantastic Lartst Like S2F EX4, purchased from the 2011 Waipa Club sale.

Pat and Shelley Schnuriger’s resolve to reduce their Holstein Friesian herd to 100 cows has proven its worth, with an exceptional percow production backing up their decision.

Better genetics hold the key to better beef calves from dairy cows. That was the key message from a series of workshops by Beef+Lamb NZ to increase the overall value of beef exports to NZ. Two thirds of NZ’s beef kill is from the dairy industry but calves from dairy…

A vet is calling for all animals to be vaccinated against a new strain of leptospirosis (lepto) discovered on New Zealand dairy farms in recent years.

Moving Day is a big day in the farming calendar and requires good planning and communication to ensure success.

In New Zealand, every dairy farmer worth their salt knows just how important it is to look after the welfare of their animals. The health of the herd directly impacts profit margins, which, in turn, determines the viability and sustainability of the farm.

One of New Zealand’s deepest breeder Jersey herds – known for its enduring connection through cattle with the UK’s longest reigning monarch, Queen Elizabeth II – will host its 75th anniversary celebration sale on-farm on April 22.

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