OPINION: Greenpeace tried its best to disrupt Fonterra’s annual meeting at a hotel in New Plymouth earlier this month, but they were outflanked by a formidable team of Fonterra staff, security officers and Taranaki police.
OPINION: Call it what you want, a hikoi, a car-koi or a koru-koi, the recent protest march against Act's Treaty Principles Bill has been exposed now for what it was - a publicity stunt for and by the Maori Party.
OPINION: Fonterra may have sold its dairy farms in China but the appetite for collaboration with the country remains strong.
OPINION: The Listener's latest piece on winter grazing among Southland dairy farmers leaves much to be desired.
OPINION: Should there be an inquiry into virtual fencing technology for cows?
OPINION: New Zealand needs a rethink about how banks allocate capital.
OPINION: The country's dairy farmers will now also have a hand in providing free lunch for schools.
OPINION: The abrupt departure of Synlait chief executive Grant Watson could be a sign that Chinese company Bright Dairy, the new majority owner of the listed company, is taking charge.
OPINION: DairyNZ's director elections has seen scientist Jacqueline Rowarth re-elected for another three-year term.
OPINION: Fonterra's chair will be paid nearly $500,000 if shareholders approve a proposal by the directors' remuneration committee.
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Milking It
Back in business?
OPINION: Is Canterbury milk processor Synlait back in business?
Bovaer's fate
OPINION: The fate of methane inhibitor Bovaer in NZ farming is still up in the air.