OPINION: Well, the New Year is certainly with us; yep 2024 is well under way.
I trust you have had a good Christmas and managed to squeeze in some quality R & R over the break.
Like some of you, no doubt, I have been enjoying watching the Black Caps run of success. Personally I have also really enjoyed the great spirit the games have been played in too!
I think I would have to give my first ‘shout-out’ for the year to Groundswell. They are keeping track of the new Government’s first 100 days in office. During the election campaign itself, promises were made, and much was said about the first 100 days – should they get the nod for the job from the public.
I believe accountability is always a good thing, both for individuals, and perhaps even more so for governments! Groundswell are doing exactly that for us in our farming communities, and I commend them for it!
Now, I have been thinking through this whole ‘conspiracy theory’ thing for quite some time now. My parents and grandparents never wised us up on this stuff. My best guess is they were not even aware of the term. Those two words and what they infer were just not used back then.
Business deals were done with a handshake in their day.
They surely knew what that meant!
It seems to me that if you don’t like what someone is saying, rather than facing up to an adult-like discussion, you simply brush it aside as a ‘conspiracy theory’. And then, with the help of your lapdogs in the media, you label the person as such. Rather than take the time to actually listen, you “safely” hide behind the smear you just generated.
I have observed a couple of things over time as this term gets thrown about. It is usually those in positions of authority that use these words so quickly. They use their position of influence to get the ball rolling.
What are they concealing, I now wonder? What’s the agenda they are hiding?
Yep, it seems to me that those with authority and influence are the biggest proponents of this stuff. No discussion and no questions are permitted. Hmmmm?
Of course, there is always the question; what if that which was labelled a conspiracy theory later actually turns out to be true? What then?
There will be an apology… right? A press release and full apology, you’d think. Nope, there simply is no accountability!
The truth never fears the presence of lies, it never has. The truth will very happily stand on the witness stand in the court of public opinion, even if liars and lies are going to be present. For the truth to be established, just let it speak. Allow it to have a voice.
However, for lies to be established, you will have to use every means possible to keep any voices for truth off the witness stand.
Free speech will need to be censored. Laws with harsh penalties attached will need to be enacted.
Voices for truth will be censored and silenced, and kept from the ears of ‘we the people’.
History has proven it is never a good thing when those in positions of authority start shutting down questions and other opinions. It’s always been about them and their vested interests.
It’s never been for the benefit and welfare of ‘we the people’. Together, we can avoid history repeating itself.
Keep well out there and take care. God Bless.
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