Times have changed
OPINION: Back in the 1960s and '70s, and even into the '80s, successive National government Agriculture Ministers and Trade Ministers were at the top of the cabinet rankings.
OPINION: Kainga Ora's decision to categorically rule out use of woollen carpets in social housing is a total slap in the face for struggling Kiwi sheep farmers.
The National-NZ First coalition agreement said government agencies would be directed, where appropriate, to prioritise the use of woollen rather than artificial fibres in government buildings.
Wools of New Zealand said it was "disappointing" wool carpet was excluded from the new tender.
KO is NZ's largest landlord, owning or managing over 75,000 homes and a contract to supply this many homes would equate to over a million lineal metres of carpet - a vital shot in the arm for the wool sector.
The Hound has to wonder, how much longer is Luxon's government going to allow unelected officials to give the middle finger to clear directives?
Reducing nitrogen inputs does not necessarily mean reducing profits, says DairyNZ principal scientist Ina Pinxterhuis.
Southland Federated Farmers president Jason Herrick says farmers are prepared for winter grazing every year.
The a2 Milk Company (a2MC) is launching a new round of grants to support projects aimed at enhancing dairy farming sustainability via the a2 Farm Sustainability Fund.
DairyNZ is inviting applications for an associate director position.
Dairy's superpowers are lifting their game on proving greenhouse gas credentials.
Taupo-based low-carbon dairy company Miraka has its sights set on using 100% renewable energy in the next decade.
OPINION: Back in the 1960s and '70s, and even into the '80s, successive National government Agriculture Ministers and Trade Ministers…
OPINION: The new Public Service Commissioner Sir Brian Roche has just had the hallelujah moment of the 21st century in…