Bird flu 'unlikely to have trade impact'
A marketing expert says it’s unlikely that the recent outbreak of avian influenza on an Otago poultry farm will have a significant impact on New Zealand’s trade relationships.
According to a new study from the University of Otago, there was a visible rural/urban divide in Covid-19 vaccination rates.
The study, Rural-urban variation in COVID-19 vaccination uptake in Aotearoa New Zealand: Examining the national roll-out, sought to analyse vaccination uptake in rural versus urban settings during the peak period of New Zealand’s national vaccination roll-out in 2021.
The research found varying levels of vaccine uptake among different population groups. The study, published in Epidemiology and Infection, used a national dataset of 4.3 million health service users.
According to the study, at the national level, overall vaccination uptake in rural areas lagged most urban areas, with rural areas lagging behind their urban counterparts by 5-11% by December 2021.
However, the research found this gap is not as clear when also looking at vaccination rates in terms of ethnicity, age, and/or region.
While vaccination uptake among older people in rural areas largely reflected urban uptake, vaccination rates among younger people in rural areas tended to be lower than those of younger people in urban areas.
Talis Liepins, the lead author of the study and a PhD candidate in the University of Otago’s Department of General Practice and Rural Health, says the findings suggest opportunities for improvements in vaccination delivery models for rural and urban communities and further highlights the urban-rural divide in relation to equitable healthcare.
“It is important we advance general awareness around equity of access for rural populations and how health interactions for rural communities differ from urban communities,” says Liepins.
The researchers also found “considerable variance” in uptake between rural older and rural younger people; with the rural urban differences much more apparent in those aged less than 45 years.
Co-author, Professor Garry Nixon, head of rural section in the department of general practice and rural health, says that these differences, which were visible across population groups, suggest possible different barriers to access.
Funded by the Ministry of Health COVID-19 and National Immunisation Programme, the study is the first of three exploring the COVID- 19 vaccine rollout in rural Aotearoa New Zealand.
Biosecurity Minister Andrew Hoggard says that events over the last few weeks have highlighted the importance of a strong biosecurity system.
In its submission on proposed amendments to the Biosecurity Act, DairyNZ says its levy-paying members invested more than $60 million across the biosecurity system last year, through multiple biosecurity levies across several entities and legislative frameworks to collect this funding.
The Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) has received 136 submissions on proposed amendments to the Biosecurity Act.
Nick Beeby has been appointed as the new chief executive of the New Zealand Meat Board (NZMB).
Global beef supply will contract this year for the first time since the Covid-19 pandemic, according to Rabobank.
Changes to migrant visa settings announced last month should take a lot of pressure off farmers in the new season, says Federated Farmers immigration spokesman Richard McIntyre.
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