With almond milk, oat milk and pea milk already here, standby for… fish milk? A shortage of dairy cows in some regions of Indonesia has seen scientists suggest a novel source of protein, fish ‘milk’.
The Wall Street Journal reports that fishermen off the coast of Indramayu are taking boatloads of the local ponyfish to a factory to be deboned and ground down to powder. The protein-rich product is then mixed with either or chocolate or strawberry to make it ‘palatable’.
“It just tastes like normal milk, at least to me,” one deluded fisherman told the WSJ.
Budi Gunadi Sadikin, Indonesia’s health minister, told the WSJ that other options to deal with declining dairy cow stocks should be pursued first.
“We can grow cows… or we can import the milk from Australia. Or we can buy an Australian cow company or milk company,” Sadikin says. “There are many, many, many options to do before we are milking the fish.”