NZ genetic engine version 6 launched
The rollout of the New Zealand Genetic Evaluation Version 6 is said to mark a step-change in the depth and breadth of genetic information available to both stud and commercial sheep breeders.
OSPRI will carry out on-farm TB testing, following AsureQuality's decision not to renew their contract.
Simon Andrew, OSPRI's general manager, disease control planning and integration says they are excited by this step in OSPRI's growth as an integrated disease management agency.
"Livestock TB testing remains an indespensible part of the TBfree programme, and we're working hard to ensure it continues at cattle and deer farms across New Zealand," says Andrew.
"By insourcing the service, it brings us closer to our farmers and that's particularly important given the crucial part they play in our TB eradication programme."
Andrew says it also introduces more agility, whether that's responsiveness to emerging technology or when changes in TB testing are needed quickly.
The first phase of a Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) investigation into allegations of mistreatment of sheep connected to shearing practices has been completed.
According to Biosecurity New Zealand, legal controls on the movement of fruit and vegetables in the South Auckland suburb of Papatoetoe will remain in place until mid-February.
The rollout of the New Zealand Genetic Evaluation Version 6 is said to mark a step-change in the depth and breadth of genetic information available to both stud and commercial sheep breeders.
With low wool prices, farmer interest in the self-shedding Wiltshire sheep continues to grow.
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